Subject: More data shift-report
Date: Thu Sep 23 1999 - 12:11:34 EDT
Ciao a tutti,
I would like to add the following items to my weekend shift-report.
Note that these observations are based on runs 18294-18303.
(1) Trigger rates
TOHM: 4T10 is hot (~10mHz)
3W10,3T06,5W08,5W09,5T17,6E10 result dead. Note that 3T06,
5W08/09 and 5T17 have been disconnected. I don't recall
anything regarding 3W10 and 6E10.
1W03,2W08,3E10,3E11,6W09,6E09,6E11,6E13,6E14 have very
low rate (~ 1hit in 2 days)
(2) Stopmaster
In some runs (for example, 18294) there are many (30-40) fake hits
on cross-uVAX (SM2/3 and SM4/5) events
During run 18303, there was 1 event that SM4 STPM gave no-Qs.
(3) LaMOSSKa
During run 18301, there were 10 (mostly unjustified) triggers on uVAX#3.
In fact, uVAX#3 LaMOSSKa is firing 3-4 times a run with no other trigs.
(4) WFDs
During run 18303, evt. 280, SM3, CH30 & CH31 gave the "usual" bogus
disc. bit and timeword problem. During the same run, there was 1
5C74 and 1 5C54 (VME/READ and VME/WRITE) errors. Could it be the
event that also had the no-Qs from the SM4 STPM ??
That's it for now,
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