new camac list

Subject: new camac list
Date: Mon Nov 08 1999 - 09:54:07 EST

  Since run 18537 (05-Nov-99), the detector is running with
    modified camac lists that have the F19/T19 on the stop master commented.
  I have checked two of the runs with the above camac list.
  The latest is run 18551
        unfortunately the problem in the Stop Master data still
        exists: we have at least 11 events where the same thing
        (the CIT SMT does not seem to be correctly inhibited by the
        computer busy) happens.
        The events have the same pathology: a cspam or a trigger
        in the accompanying sm (of the same microvax) happens.
        The SM in question receives the xstop (after around 1 millisec
        and before the xSTOP clock receives its maximum value.
        Then the CIT SMT trigger arrives when its clock has already assumed
        its maximum value, HOWEVER , and CONTRARY to the manual ,
        it is recorded in the Stop Master trigger
        pattern, where both the CIT(bit1) and the fCIT(bit 11)bits are set.
        In addition the clocks for the individual faces are started.
        Obviously, the presence/absence of the F19 command was not affecting
        these events.


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