Re: new camac list

Subject: Re: new camac list
From: Christopher Orth (
Date: Mon Nov 08 1999 - 10:18:43 EST

Ciao Sophia,

        I think I've seen this in the data before. What you are saying is
that the Stop Master for one SM shows the triggers from only CSPAM and
Cross Stop signal times latched, but also has TOHM face times latched and
TOHM trigger bits? Is there any danger of losing monopoles? I can't
think of any myself, but how do you know that there wasn't really a TOHM
trigger sent in coincidence with the CSPAM that was only latched in the
face times? The Stop Master must perform some OR of TOHM faces on board
to form the trigger signal - maybe this is broken for one or more TOHM
inputs. Are we talking about a Single Stop Master, or all of them?


On Mon, 8 Nov 1999 wrote:

> Since run 18537 (05-Nov-99), the detector is running with
> modified camac lists that have the F19/T19 on the stop master commented.
> I have checked two of the runs with the above camac list.
> The latest is run 18551
> unfortunately the problem in the Stop Master data still
> exists: we have at least 11 events where the same thing
> (the CIT SMT does not seem to be correctly inhibited by the
> computer busy) happens.
> The events have the same pathology: a cspam or a trigger
> in the accompanying sm (of the same microvax) happens.
> The SM in question receives the xstop (after around 1 millisec
> and before the xSTOP clock receives its maximum value.
> Then the CIT SMT trigger arrives when its clock has already assumed
> its maximum value, HOWEVER , and CONTRARY to the manual ,
> it is recorded in the Stop Master trigger
> pattern, where both the CIT(bit1) and the fCIT(bit 11)bits are set.
> In addition the clocks for the individual faces are started.
> Obviously, the presence/absence of the F19 command was not affecting
> these events.
> Sophia

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