Subject: gain reset
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Sun Nov 14 1999 - 14:43:06 EST
Ciao a tutti,
As you know as of Saturday morning SM1/2 are completed having their gains
adjusted. After performing a first LUT iteration, we've inserted uV1 to
the main acq later that day. PHRASE in SM1/2 remains running separately
on the backup system (VSMAC1). The plan for tomorrow is to remain idling
as far as gain reset is concerned. This will allow PHRASE to adjust
thresholds in SM1/2 (RUN 91606 and on should be used for threshold adjusting)
and ERP GC to have another LUT iteration.
We plan to proceed with adjusting PMT gains in SM3/4 on Tuesday. Currently,
the ERP GC online monitor is discabled on SM1/2 although data are logging in
the main acquisition.
People on shift, please stop the VSMAC1 run that has been going on for
a day now and restart a new one always with PHRASE in SM1/2 only.
A presto,
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