Quick report

Subject: Quick report
Date: Fri Nov 26 1999 - 12:47:40 EST

   Ciao a tutti,

   Here is a summary of what happened today:
(1) Run 18645 auto-stopped; run 18646 started with SM1,2,3&4 for PHRASE
    and our uVAX#2.
(2) uVAX#1 work: WFD card corresponding to SM1, CH18 was taken off,
    a resistor was found just laying on some part of the motherboard
    (not soldered, just as if somebody had forgotten it on the board),
    the CLI was used but we found no oscillation. As a reminder, this
    channel has given during the last 3-4 runs big ped. std.
    Fan unit was removed from SM1 ERP (was too noisy) and 1 115V fan
    was replaced; it seems to be OK now.
    Fan unit was removed from SM1 (B/C/W-lower) PMT fanout crate; was
    noisy, too, and 1 of the 3 fan units was replaced. It is quieter
    now, but the situation with regular 220V fans is quite bad: we
    have no spare and we have exhausted tearing apart broken fan units...
    Power supply on North face TOHM/ERP suddenly broke (+6V line was at +0.9V)
    all of a sudden while working on these fan units ! This is a Kinetic
    Systems 1502 model. We put the spare that worked fine; the original
    one is waiting next to the bench to be fixed.
    We have reloaded a number of times LUTs on SM1 (because of the 1C13/14/15/1
6 problem); after 3-4 attempts, we have verified it works OK.
(3) uVAX#3 (South face): It has been put back in ACQ, except 6S04. There
    is a clear noise problem for 6S04-1 that is independent of the PMT.
    Just by putting the cable+HV base, there is noise at ~ 40Mhz, 6mV p-p.
    We should try to change the tank-end cylindrical cover and maybe use
    different base/cables.
(4) New ERP LUTs have been produced for the whole detector (except the South
    face, where we still have last year's LUTs); they have been loaded
    before starting run 18647.
(5) Roberto Pazzi has done a number of mini-ACQs to set thresholds on
    the South face.

That's it for now,

Ioannis & Nicola & Roberto

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