EXHAUST LED calibration (new !)

Subject: EXHAUST LED calibration (new !)
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 15:47:58 EST

   Ciao a tutti,

   I have prepared a new calibration type. It is an LED calibration,
called EXHAUST. There is a corresponding directory (VXMACB::$1$DIA0:
[SCINTSOFT.CALIB.LED.EXHAUST]) with 3 .COM files for the 3 uVAXs
and 1 .DAT file with pulser settings. There are also 3 CAMAC lists
prepared under [SCINTSOFT.CAMAC.1] ( [.2] and [.3]) with the name
GUT19_EXHCAL.LIS1 (.LIS2 and .LIS3) to be used when running this
new calibration type.
   This calibration is exhausting all single, double and triple
ERP box combination by firing in coincidence both sides of each
counter (usually at very high amplitude, muon-like width). It first
loops over with the LED fakebox set and then without the fakebox.
By copying or rerouting the LED fakebox signal to the BARI box,
one can exercise cases where the BARI fakebox is present, just like
in the majority of real muon events.
   During this calibration, the 2 Borer modules contain information
about the hits as follows:
Bits 0-3: calibration type (set to 7, which should create a LGB
          entry of "LED calibration)
Bits 4-6: SM calibrated (1-6, 0 and 7 are not valid numbers)
Bit 7: fake box/Bari box present (=1) or not (=0)
Bit 8-15: 1st tank fired
Bit 16-23: 2nd tank fired
(Bits 0-7 and identical between register 1 and 2)
bit 8-15 (2nd register): 3rd tank fired
bit 16-23 (2nd register): 4th tank fired
   The CAMAC lists are essentially the standard GUT19.LISx, with
WFD_READOUT commented for both SMs, a new EQUIP 24 that involves
two 24-bit readouts, one for each calibration register, invoked
by TRIG 2 (ERP-mu) and TRIG 7 (TOHM).
   As it is now, there are printout messages on the screen regarding
which tank(s) are fired at each given time. Depending on execution
speed, this might need to be modified in a way to output on a file
rather on a screen. A similar modification might be deemed necessary
if talking to the 2 Borer modules results to be slow; in this case,
CAMAC lists and execution code will be modified to comment it.
   This coming Wed. we'll test it and report on its results.

A presto,


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