Subject: BMON
Date: Thu Dec 16 1999 - 11:23:51 EST

   Ciao Sandro,

   I'm working on porting the whole BMON code to the external labs.
That includes .FOR and .COM files. In doing so, I think I've found
some minor bugs in the file
which have been fixed in
We have been receiving multiple copies of the output files of BMON
without exactly understanding why. I found the problem to be in
the logic that checks the queue whether BMON is *already* executing.
Please, do the following test
(1) Connect to VXMACA::MACRORUN
    (this submits a "wait 00:01:00" command to fake the presence of BMON
    in the appropriate queue). You now have 1 minute to perform the
    next 2 steps !
(4) DO: @BMON_OLD_TEST -> this is effectively the standard BMON.COM file
    with the RUN 'exec_dir'bmonitor line commented out, so that no real
    processing is taking place. It also has commented out the DELETE
    commands for intermediate files (needed for debugging.)
    You will notice that the .COM file proceeds, ignoring the presence
    of a BMON job on VXMACA_BATCH, as it should...
(5) Then, do: @BMON_NEW_TEST -> This does the same as the above, but
    using the new version of the script I've modified. You should
    get a message "JOB_FOUND=YES", and thus the code doesn't proceed.
(6) If you do the same comparison between BMON_OLD_TEST and BMON_NEW_TEST
    when no BMON is running, you will see that they produce identical
    files (except that the _NEW_ version produces 3 and the _OLD_ 4)
(7) Once you've convinced yourself that the _NEW_ script is good, just
    rename the file BMON_NEW.COM to BMON.COM and it should immediately
    take effect.
(8) Remember to cancel all temp files once you are done.

Let me know if there are any problems or if you have questions.

A presto,


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