LeCroy channel nr.219 (former 6S05-1)

Subject: LeCroy channel nr.219 (former 6S05-1)
Date: Thu Dec 16 1999 - 08:55:29 EST

     Ciao a tutti,

     Roberto and I made a check of the channel in subject. We used the
     DVM and a V/5 voltage box. We found:

                Vdem(V) Vmeas(V)
                   0 -40
                -300 -360
                -500 -570
               -1000 -1100
               -1300 -1500
               -1500 -1710
     Checking AC components we found ~1V p-p, 10Hz.

     I left Vset=0 on PMTHV.DAT file for this channel (6BD2-7).

     A presto,


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