Subject: New ERP LUTs for whole MACRO
Date: Thu Dec 16 1999 - 08:30:26 EST
To the person on shift at the galleria:
New .LUT files are ready for whole MACRO at the standard area:
This means that, whenever it is suitable (i.e. when the size of the run
is close to 80%, or when the detector is already stopped for some reason
or when you want to change the configuration) :
(a) stop the run (ACQ RUN END)
(b) load the new luts (run LUTLOAD after logging on VXMACB as SCINTSOFT,
follow the menu; load the SMs mentioned above; make sure everything
proceedes smoothly)
(c) restart the run (ACQ RUN BEGIN)
Once the run begins, keep a close eye on the ERP-Muon and ERP-GC rates.
Use the online histograms and/or ACQ RUN SUM on the console. If the rates
look O.K. (more or less) then you are done.
If there is something going wrong (either too high or too low rates FOR
THE ENTIRE DETECTOR or AN ENTIRE SUPERMODULE), then reload the old luts.
In order to do so,
(i) delete all the .LUT files under the standard area
(ii) copy the most recent .LUT files from the backup area
($1$DIA2:[SCRA.SCINTSOFT.LUTS.OLD]) to the standard area.
(iii) Stop the run, reload luts, restart run.
Good luck,
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