Subject: 6B16-1, 6C14-1 after tank-end operation
Date: Sat Dec 25 1999 - 11:21:07 EST
Ciao a tutti,
We opened these two tankends on Fri., 24-DEC-1999. 6B16-1 was turned
off almost immediately after the begin of run (18803) while 6C14-1 was
turned off later. By changing the PMT bases (they were the old type, now
we installed HV bases) they seem to be OK now. Today, I checked with the
oscilloscope and the PMT signals seem to be OK - the same applies on
their trigger rates, with the exception of 6C14-1 that has a slightly
higher ERP-GC rate. Here are the final voltages and resistro bases:
6B16-10: 9.4 MOhm, -1510V
6B16-11: 9.3 MOhm, -1520V
Splitter value: 62K (installed 56K) on side -10, HV value: -1520V
6C14-10: 9.5 MOhm, -1710V
6C14-11: 9.4 MOhm, -1670V
Splitter value: 220K on side -11, HV value: -1710V
Comment regarding 6B16-1: "Found no continuouity between -10 & -11
magnetic shield cylinders. Had to reinstall internal to external
cylinder clip on 6B16-10"
Both counters have been put back in ACQ starting run 18804.
Ioannis & Massimo
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