Subject: 1T03 and 6E02
Date: Sat Dec 25 1999 - 11:27:05 EST
Ciao a tutti,
In parallel to the tank end operations I described on my last e-mail,
we've also looked at 1T03 (kept OFF for ~ 5 days, till run 18803 because
it started firing the TOHM and had signs to flashing/light leak) and
6E02 (very big assymetry; lost gain very rapidly).
Regarding 1T03, after leaving 1T03-0 (the side that was creating problems)
ON overnight, we didn't find any problem looking at the PMT signal with the
oscilloscope. Thus, we decided to put it back in ACQ.
Regarding 6E02-1, we turned it off shortly after the begin of run 18803
in order to open it; we found out that this side has the streamer tube
electronics. For that reason, we decided to postpone it for next week.
But, after turning the PMT back on, we had the following suspicious
- At first, the TOHM light for that side (6E02-1) remained stuck, with
a corresponding TOHM trigger rate for this counter quite high during
the first part of run 18804. The same applies to the PHRASE and ERP-GC
- It then lost dramatically gain (and so the trigger rates also reduced
drastically): right now, it is at -2mV/spe gain...
Both these channels (1T03 and 6E02) are back in ACQ starting run 18804.
A presto,
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