Subject: 6 PHRASE Power Supplies received
Date: Sat Dec 25 1999 - 11:56:48 EST
Ciao a tutti,
Thursday, 23-DEC-1999, we received the 6 PHRASE CAMAC power supplies
from ELEXIND. They are 3 linear and 3 switching. They have all been
tested ~10 min. at ~ 80% load (9 modules) and they seem to be OK.
There was also a "field service report" in an envelope inside one
of the boxes. Marco: if you are interested, I can mail it/fax it
to you. It mentions the parts changed and the hours charged (total: 15).
These 6 power supplies have been labeled and they are now located
on the table next to PISA's tech-house. Together with the 2 we had
before, that brings the total to 8 spare PHRASE power supplies.
Note, although, that we may need to re-test them under full load
since this can make a difference.
By the way, I've noticed we only have 1 spare fan-unit for these
power supplies.
A presto,
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