Subject: Christmas Weekend shift report
Date: Sun Dec 26 1999 - 18:03:18 EST
Ciao a tutti,
Here are the highlights from my weekend Christmas shift:
- During the night of Dec.25 -> Dec.26, ERP S/H module for 5E01/02/03/04
broke; fixed the next day (check related e-mail for details)
- Many (>5) short blackouts on Sunday morning on the non-protected power
line. Guards told me the Cas. San Nicola had serious problems.
- DD308 job crashed three times due to bad (?) DLT tapes; be *very* careful
when re-using DLT tapes (sent e-mail about it)
- WFD card on SM1, CH18 has pedestal std. out of tolerance problems.
Suggest changing it next Wed. (check with Chris Orth first)
- As it happened in the past, LAM51 has many (16 in 3 days) unjustified
triggers. LAM11 seems to have a relatively low threshold (14 triggers
in 3 days, all justified). LAM10, LAM30, LAM51 and LAM61 seem to have
relatively high thresholds: they trigger, but always together with
the opposite side (LAM11, LAM31, LAM50 and LAM60, correspondingly)
- Believe there is some problem related to SM4-West TOHM triggers (or
on the corresponding STOPMASTER input); given many fakes/bad time-words.
- 6E02-1 is broken; after turn-on, had very high trigger rates (with many
WFD overflow NDATA.) Now is at -2mV/spe gain. Could be a flasher/broken
tube or just a PMT HV-base problem ??
Run summary:
18803: 1T03 is OFF - LIP rate is 5.2 counts per hour !!
18803: Shortly after the begin of run, 6B16 and 6E02 have been turned OFF
to allow for tankend operation.
Later, 6C14 was also turned OFF.
18804: All tanks have been turned ON;
5 No-Qs from SM3 ERP (M:2,B:2,C:2,N:21)
1T03/6B16 seem OK
6C14 has high rate for ERP-GC
6E02 high rate for TOHM (6E02-1 TOHM LED was stuck at the begin of run)
and also for PHRASE & ERP-GC
18805: 6C14 has high rate for ERP-GC
6E02 has *low* rate for PHRASE & ERP-GC (normal for TOHM)
18810: 6C14 has high rate for ERP-GC
6E02 has even lower rate for PHRASE & ERP-GC & TOHM -> lost gain; now
@ -2mV/spe
18811: ERP S/H module for 5E01/E02/E03/E04 breaks during this run
(estimate @ 70% of the run duration)
18812: ERP S/H module for 5E01/E02/E03/E04 is dead
18813: ERP S/H module for 5E01/E02/E03/E04 is dead; stopped the run to fix it
18814: No uVAX#3
18815: Full MACRO; got one LECROY HV error warning (related to blackouts ?)
5B04 & 6C14 (on ERP-GC) and 6E02 (very low gain) problems remain.
Trigger rates (runs checked: 18800-18814) :
ERP-GC : 5B04 (180mHz), 6W12 (85mHz), 6S04 (S-hot), 6S07 (S-hot), 6C14(70mHz)
ERP-MU : 3B07 (8mHz), 3B12 (4mHz), 6T07 (4mHz)
LIP : High rate = 2E10 (6mHz), 3E04 (6mHz), 6T12 (5mHz)
Low rate = 1B10/1B12/1B14 (~ 50%)
PHRASE : 1B14,1N06,3W10-low rate, 1E08,2E09,2E10,5B04-high rate
SMT : 1T11 (10mHz), 2T16 (10mHz), 3T12 (40mHz), 4T02 (30mHz),
4T10 (10mHz), 4T12 (10mHz), 5T02 (15mHz), 5T06 (10mHz), 6T11 (10mHz)
DEAD = 3E04, 3T06, 5W08, 5W09, 5W14, 5T17, 6T02
Low rate = 3E10, 5E11, 5E13, 6E09, 6E11, 6E13, 6E14
HIPT : 2E07 -> 60% efficiency w.r.t ERP for both 1/2 & 2/3 CSPAM
SPU : 1-8 fake calibration/ERPII events per run on uVAX#1
FMT : Seems OK (just 1 event, RUN 18800, ev. 6861; also LAMOSSKA !!!)
During run 18811 got 3 triggers on uVAX1 -> haven't checked them
LaMOSSKa: LAM10 ->
LAM11 -> 14 good triggers
LAM10 & LAM11 -> 3 good triggers
LAM20 -> 3 unjustified trigger, 2 good trigger
LAM21 -> 1 good trigger
LAM20 & LAM21 -> 1 good trigger
LAM30 ->
LAM31 -> 3 good triggers
LAM30 & LAM31 -> 1 good trigger = FMT event (good) !
LAM40 -> 1 good trigger
LAM41 -> 4 unjustified triggers, 3 good triggers
LAM40 & LAM41 -> 1 good trigger
LAM50 -> 16 unjustified triggers, 5 good triggers
LAM51 ->
LAM50 & LAM51 -> 2 good triggers
LAM60 -> 1 unjustified trigger, 2 good triggers
LAM61 ->
LAM60 & LAM61 -> 1 good trigger
* All boxes are ON; 11 are pending tankend operation
WFD problems: SM1, CH18 "usual" ped. std. deviation problem.
Run 18804, SM6 CH 23, (6E02 overgain) 106 overflow NDATA events
6E02-1 produces continuously signals of ~ 7-8mV -
sometimes they even reach even 50mV.
Also, oscillation on the pedestal.
Maybe flasher ??
Run 18804, SM6 CH 4, high ped. std. (stat. fluctuation ?)
Run 18812, SM2 CH 0, 3 overflow NDATA; LAMOSSKA (LED) events
on 2B01-0 (3 Volts, 10 usec);
2B01-1 sees 5-10 p.e.'s (...)
Run 18813; execution crashed (still uses old version of RAWSCAN)
Potential PMT problems:
STOPMASTER data: SM4%1@CITM seems to have a higher number of FAKE hits
(~20/run) relative to the other SMs (<10/run) - they
seem to be coming from SM4%3@WEST (10 fake/run, even
on 1-face ONLY events have fake). Also gives
abnormal time-word values.
"Usual" SM5%8~SM+1 has no bit found (time-word OK).
Interesting events: Run 18800, Ev. 6861 (check EVENT BROWSER)
Run 18800, Ev. 9170 (multiplicity >=15 muon !)
Run 18811, Ev. 4105 (> 7 GeV energy loss in SM1 !)
Run 18811, Ev. 7201 (>10 GeV energy loss in SM6 !)
Your humble shiftworker
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