TAPEMAKE3 (foreign mounting) doesn't work

Subject: TAPEMAKE3 (foreign mounting) doesn't work
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 12:14:00 EST

   Ciao a tutti,

   I found out that the (well-known) TAPEMAKE3 script doesn't work when
appending files to a *FOREIGN* mounted tape; I am working on a fix that
should make it work. Until further notice, please avoid to use the
foreign option of tapemake3, unless you are writing (initializing) the
whole tape.

A presto,

p.s.: To the best of my knowledge, there are no tapes affected from the
      reprocessing phase; the only ones that we write as foreign are
      (1) Chris' mini-dst (only written once, so far)
      (2) DDMxx, calibration runs (NCLM01), which have also been written
          once, so far.

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