Subject: DISK$SCRAUSA6 (temporarily) freed up
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 17:15:00 EST
Ciao a tutti,
I received a warning that DISK$SCRAUSA6 has (again) been left with less
than 1.5 M blocks and I got worried, since I had practically emptied it
a few (2 ?) days ago or so. So, I found the following files that had 2
identical versions that I purges (and, of source, renamed *.*; ;)
Note that there are still 5 files left with ;2 that are different and
thus require special debugging before purging them.
19183 -> LAMO
19196 -> F2MON
19247 -> RRNW
The files that are still left with ;2 are
19183 -> F2MON/RRNW
19185 -> RRNW
19195 -> RRNW
19196 -> RRNW
At any rate, it is about time to empty DISK$SCRAUSA6, again ...
A presto,
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