Subject: Data shift report
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 05:21:16 EDT
Data shift report (08-May-2000 to 12-May-2000)
by Nicola Zaccheo
From run 19512 to 19527
First full week with WFDs out of acquisition.
The WFDs have physically been dismantled from SM1, SM2, SM5 and SM6
In a first moment the run length had been adjusted to ~10-10.5 hrs (starting
from run 19502) but this caused some problems with Pisa MV6 that produced
the RUN-END ~30 min. before the real run closing. So, starting from run 19515,
the run length has been set to 130000 Kb, i.e. ~8.8 hrs.
In the following tabel I reported the run duration and the uVax's dead time
before and after the WFDs decommissioning:
Run duration dead time (uVax1/uVax2/uVax3)
with WFDs ~ 5.4 hrs ~ 1.6% 2.0 1.7
w/o WFDs (runs19502-19514) ~ 10 hrs ~ 0.6% 0.8 0.7
w/o WFDs (final run size) ~ 8.8 hrs ~ 0.6 0.7 0.6
During this week a big effort has been done in the last WFDs calibrations.
PULSER/WFD, FMT/WFD, LASER/WFD, LAMOSSKA and SMT calibrations have been
completed foR all uVaxes. Sophia wants to repeat SMT calibrations on uVax2.
We'll perform them the next Wednesday.
Following problems happened this week:
- run 19513 crashed on Monday morning (@ 9:35AM) for a broken PHRASE
fan unit on SM4 (crate 1). Yiannis fixed it replacing one ball bearing;
- starting from run 19510 channel 6TH0 (6T09-6T16/side-0) was dead on both
CISPAM/HIPT (also during last LAMOSSKA calibration on uVax3). No signals
from the corresponding three fan-in/fan-out (CSPAM/HIPT/LAMO) outputs
were present. Problem fixed swapping this channels with a spare one;
- starting from run 19515 we received a lot of NO Q's responses (~5000)
from SM2 Stop Master (no XStop signals between SM1 STPM and SM2 STPM).
Problem fixed re-soldering the disconnected wire on the relative input
- during run 19527 there were a lot of no Q's responses from the InterERP
TDC on uVax3. Problem fixed unplugging and plugging back the Ehigh3 input
on the InterERP Timing Manager Module;
- run 19527 stalled because uVax2 was not collecting data. Everything
solved by rebooting the uVax;
- starting from Monday there was a synchronization failure on the PHRASE
4M03-4 MIXER module. Problem fixed swapping one fan-out output with a
spare one.
On Thursday afternoon the temperature on the Attico went up till 27.4 C. This
was due to an interruption of refrigerating system (for 1.8 hrs) and caused
2 fan units breaking...Again in the night there was a similar warmup due to
a (water) pump failure. Fortunatly it didn't caused any other damages on
The following TOHM channels have been disconnected (based on Erik's 3-sigma
hottest criteria):
uVax1 --> 1T03-0, 1T11-0, 2C14-0, 2T16-1
uVax2 --> 3T07-1, 3T12-0, 3T13-0, 3T17-0,
4W05-1, 4T02-1, 4T10-0, 4T11-1
uVax3 --> 5T03-1, 5T05-1, 5T06-0, 6B13-0,
Other TOHM channels disconnected in the past are: 3T06-0, 3T06-1, 4T12-1,
5T01-0, 5T01-1, 5T02-0, 5T02-1, 5T17-1, 5W08-0, 5W08-1, 5W09-0, 5W09-1,
5W14-0 and 6T02-0.
TOHM --> 4T13 ~5mHz, 5B13 ~4mHz, 5B12 ~3mHz
ERP --> 3B07 ~5.5mHz
LIP --> 1B16 ~0.3mHz(!), 1B12~0.9mHz, 1B14~0.7mHz, 2E10 ~4.5mHz,
3E04 ~6mHz, 5T02 ~0.5mHz(!), 6T12 ~9mHz
ERP-GC --> 1E01 ~125mHz, 6W12 ~90mHz, 6S04 ~120mHz, 6S07 ~70mHz.
PHRASE --> 1E09 ~35mHz, 2W14 ~34mHz, 5W11 ~90mHz
There are still not justified LAMOSSKA triggers for SM5 (LAM5-0).
CSPAM/ERP efficiency:
With the new run duration we have more statistic. The 'problematic'
boxes are 3B07 ~40%, 4E14 ~60%.
ERP/LIP efficiency:
Low efficiency for 1B12, 1B14, 1B16,1T15, 1C08, 1C14, 1C15, 5T02, 6C09
and 6C10.
SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE and LED on uVax1 (sometime 1/2 VETO
bits too).
The fake hits on SM4 CIT disappeared after disconnecting 4T11 from TOHM.
2 weeks analysed for ERP constants: ref. runs 19460 and 19497.
They cover runs untill 10-MAY-2000
Last DD processed is DD282. The DDM processing started in order to
produce new CALMOD constants for all MACRO runs with ATTICO in
This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Mon May 15 2000 - 05:21:26 EDT