Online LGB copied to AXPGS0 -- YPATCHY fortran code

Subject: Online LGB copied to AXPGS0 -- YPATCHY fortran code
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 07:00:11 EDT

Hi all,

I have copied to AXPGS0 all ONLINE LGB files from the VXMACB area
(VXMACB::$1$DIA2:[SCRA.LOGBOOK...]). The new AXPGS0 area is
DISK$SCRAUSA10:[MACRODATA.VXMACB] This may well serve as a backup
area of the LGB files.

Notice the following:

1) Only the latest LGB version of any given run was copied -- the
   runs from the VXMACB::$1$DIA2:[SCRA.LOGBOOK.BEF1992] area were
   also copied to DISK$SCRAUSA10:[MACRODATA.VXMACB], i.e., the AXPGS0
   area includes in a single directory all LGB files till now.

2) The update of the AXPGS0 area will *not* be automatic; thus the
   VXMACB area remains the area to look for the real time RUNs LGB
   In the AXPGS0 area you may find LGB files up to 15-MAY-2000 (runs
   19536 and 91879).

   version of the LGB reading-in fortran code. The routines there
   load in the STDLGB00 sequence the entire LGB content. Use the MYLGBLIB.CAR
   if you'd like to have the LGB code in any YPATCHY fortran code of
   yours. The YPATCHY version complies with all of MArio's fixes.

4) In the same DISK$SCRAUSA2:[KATSVNDS.ATTICO.MYLGB] area I have a
   command file MYLGB.COM that runs a simplified (but *much* faster)
   LGB version. If you source MACROUSA's login, the symbol MYLGB points
   to it.

Let me know if you have any comments or questions.


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