Subject: Weekly shift report
Date: Fri May 26 2000 - 12:09:44 EDT
Data shift report (15-May-2000 to 19-May-2000)
by Massimo Orsini
From run 19540 to 19551
During this week the run 19542 crashed because of a target buffer busy
and during run 19550 the BARI_MU trigger on uVax2 didn't work properly
causing a sudden decreasing of the LIP rates on SM3/4.
The BARI_MU trigger failure was caused by a NIM crate power supply which
went down because of the WFD clock module which was in short.
Furthermore a new procedure has been implemented in order to check all
MACRO PMTs by using the scope and a file was created which contains now
all the last PMT logbook entries of the whole SM1.
The LED/TDC calibration was performed on all uVaxes but the laser lower/attico
calibrations were only performed on uvax1 and uvax3.
After having executed some monopole calibration on uvax2 both WFD crates on
SM3/4 were turned off.
No-Q responses:
every run gets at least a couple of no-Q responses from M:2 B:2 C:5 N:21
(SM3 ERP SUPERVISOR) which are caused by ERP events in which are involved
the west attico counters (3W10,3W11,3W12)
TOHM --> 4T13 ~5mHz, 5B13 ~4mHz, 5B12 ~3mHz
ERP --> 3B07 ~6mHz
LIP --> 1B16 ~0.3mHz(!), 1B12~0.9mHz, 1B14~0.7mHz, 2E10 ~4.5mHz,
3E04 ~6mHz, 5T02 ~0.5mHz(!), 6T12 ~9mHz
ERP-GC --> 1E01 ~125mHz, 6W12 ~100mHz, 6S04 ~120mHz, 6S07 ~70mHz.
Since we got several fake LAMOSSKA triggers from SM5 (LAM50)
I checked the NIM power supply where LAMOSSKA discriminators and
the delay generators are located without having found problems.
Besides, I even checked the threshold of that discriminator which
was fine.
Since part of SM5 LAMOSSKA logic is also used by the SM6 lamosska
trigger (which is OK), I believe that all these fake triggers could
be only generated by the latching scaler module.
I've just tried to unplug some cable from the scaler in order to
fix some bad contact of the lemo connectors.
CSPAM/ERP efficiency:
3B07 ~40%, 4E14 ~60% and 6T09~60% which is a new entry.
ERP/LIP efficiency:
Low efficiency for 1B12, 1B14, 1B16,1T15, 1C08, 1C14, 1C15, 5T02, 6C09
and 6C10.
SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE and LED on uVax1 (sometime 1/2 VETO
bits too).
These fake triggers could be generated by an internal noise of the
SPU module because most of these triggers come out from different
crates and all of them are randomly generated, sometimes they never
appear all together but it always happens during real events.
Some fake hits on SM4@CITm. (No more than 4 hits per run)
DATA REPROCESSING: (by Nicola Zaccheo)
The processing of DD283 is now over and the processing of all tapes from
DDM17 to DDM11 has been done in order to produce the new CALMOD constants
for all MACRO runs with ATTICO in acquisition.
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