RE: calibration runs

Subject: RE: calibration runs
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 12:30:43 EDT

 Hello Bob,

 Thanks for the reply. I checked for RUN differences for the RUN interval
 #7489 to #10521. Notice that you have not listed any 8xxxx runs in the
 list you e-mailed me while there do exist 8xxxx calibration runs.
 I found 4 runs that you list as calibrations but were somehow missed by
 our reprocessing. They do exist in the DDM tapes but there is no record
 for them in the CAL_RUN_LIST.TXT history file. They also do have a camac
 list that does not include any cal/led/laser acronym and were thus failed
 to be automatically identified by my code. Notice though that 15 RUNs
 that do not appear in your calibration list. You may get e-LGB info on

 Roberto Giuliani: could you please update the CAL_RUN_LIST.TXT file
 under MACROCAL with the four RUNs (7661,7981,7982,7983) that are
 currently missing?


  Calibration RUN differences between Bob's and Erik's list:

 Bob Erik
       | 7497
       | 7498
       | 7499
       | 7501
7661 | contained in DDM16 -- missing from CAL_RUN_LIST, no calib CAMAC
       | 7880
       | 7969
       | 7970
       | 7971
       | 7972
       | 7973
       | 7974
7981 | contained in DDM14 -- missing from CAL_RUN_LIST, no calib CAMAC
7982 | contained in DDM14 -- missing from CAL_RUN_LIST, no calib CAMAC
7983 | contained in DDM14 -- missing from CAL_RUN_LIST, no calib CAMAC
       | 7987
       | 8471
       | 9713
       | 9818

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