From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 12:42:46 EDT
I have set up the very heart of the RARE MAKER procedure to run on AXMAC1
under either ACQMACRO or COPIA. If you ever need it, you should check
You can find MY_DREAMEXE_V132.COM that produces the executable WFD.EXE
locally on AXMAC1. In addition RAW2ZEBRA.COM accepts two input parameters
p1=full path of input file name and p2=full path of outputfile name
I have also increased the PROCESS QUOTA that allows running of the image.
A typical RARE DST (~200KBlocks) takes ~2 minutes of cpu (vs. 50seconds
on AXPGS0) and completes in ~3.5 minutes of elapsed time (vs. ~10 minutes
on AXPGS0 on average).
Nicola: this is how RARE MAKER should set up eventually; i.e., in addition
to the VAXGS resources, we should make simultaneous use of the AXMAC1
units for either DLT-III to DLT-III production of ZEBRA RARE DSTs or
2xDLT-III to 1xDLT-IV option.
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