G-ZIP test

Subject: G-ZIP test
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 09:58:09 EDT

   Ciao Erik,

   my apology for yesterday. I didn't know that the g-zip doesn't work
   with a file having fixed record lenght.
   Today I did again the test using the TAPEMAKER (I used, for luck, the
   GC011112.DST file). I uploaded the file from DISK to TAPE on the VAX and
   then I downloaded it using the CAMELOT's DLT unit without any problems.
   The un-zipped GC011112.DST file is on
   /tmp_mnt/scratch2/macro/test/000000. I think it should be read w/o problems.

   I have updated the TAPEMAKER (adding the operator name) and I'm going to
   launch it for NGC001 - NGC002.

   I have a (maybe stupid) question for you: why gzip the RAW files before
   to TAR them?

   A presto,


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