Subject: Re: G-ZIP test
From: Christopher Orth (
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 11:11:43 EDT
On Wed, 21 Jun 2000 wrote:
| my apology for yesterday. I didn't know that the GZIP doesn't work
| with a file having fixed record lenght.
Not to be too picky, but GZIP should work on any file. The
problem that I saw in your log files yesterday I think had more to do with
trying to copy a variable record length file to tape as if it were fixed
record length. GZIP actually gets very good compression (at least under
UNIX) on zebra files. I admit I am not an "expert," but the worse that I
think could happen in this case is GZIP may strip the VMS info from the
file and you would have to add it again by modifying the VMS file
| I have a (maybe stupid) question for you: why gzip the RAW files before
| to TAR them?
I'll have to read earlier email to understand again how TAR and
GZIP are being used. But I thought in general the order is as Nicola
says, first TAR then GZIP. TAR (gnu version) has built in options for
both compressing and uncompressing archives done this way.
I realize that I am "out of the loop," so feel free to ignore my
comments if they really don't apply.
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