recovering missing LGB files

Subject: recovering missing LGB files
From: Erotokritos Katsavounidis (
Date: Thu Jun 22 2000 - 01:33:22 EDT

The transfering of MACRO RUN files to VXMACB in order to have their LGB
created has interfered significantly with the DEAMON script, its archives
and the update of the www page. From now on, please create a SUBDIRECTORY
under the VXMACB area where you want to transfer the LGB-missing MACRO RUN.
Copy the source file in the SUBDIRECTORY first and THEN rename it to the
top area. Althernatively, you can copy the source file to the VXMACA area
with a file name OTHER THAN the RUNxxxxxx.DAT format. Once the file is
completely copied to VXMACA you should rename it to the correct RUNxxxxxx.DAT
format so that it is picked up by BMON. Having a file transfered from
VAXGS to VXMACB with a name RUNxxxxxx.DAT may lead to subtle problems
with a number of jobs (like DEAMON) when it lasts a fair amount (>10mins)
of time.

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