Subject: ...I sent it yesterday but it returned back to me
Date: Fri Jul 07 2000 - 03:28:33 EDT
From: VAXGS::ZACCHEO 6-JUL-2000 13:09:54.67
To: SMTP%"",SMTP%""
Subj: 4C02
Checking the data, I found also 4C02 with a very high trigger
rate on TOHM during runs 19710 and 19711. Checking the signal
with the scope it seems a bad signal, very bright with a strong
dynode peak that, at a certain point, becomes flasher.
It was the most responsible for the short duration of run 19710
(together with 4B10-1), but the fact that on the SMT rate plots
for run 19710 its TOHM trigger rate was (badly) showed at <0.1mHz
and the fact that its LED on the TOHM module was not stuck, misled us.
I turned off this box starting from run 19713.
Now we have two tank-end operations on SM4.
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