Subject: weekly shift report
Date: Fri Jul 07 2000 - 11:27:14 EDT
Data shift report (03-Jul-2000 to 07-Jul-2000)
by Nicola Zaccheo
From run 19701 to 19714
During the first part of the week we received some data rate warnings
(high and then low data rate). I think this was caused by 2 PMTs that
were starting to flash. In fact 4C02-1 and 4B10-1 started giving a
high trigger rate on TOHM during run 19710 (lasted ~4hrs)..Checking
these signals with the scope, they were flasher (4C02-1 was flagged on PMTs
Logbook as filled in spe/probably double gain by RG on June, 9 2000).
I decided to turn off both boxes (The 'pisani' and the run coordinator have
been informed).
They will have the higer priority in the PMTs replacement proposal.
Other two boxes had a high TOHM trigger rate during **one** run only:
5T02 (~20 mHz) during run 19701(lasted ~ 8.5hrs) and 1T13 (~20 mHz) during
run 19704 (lasted ~8.8hrs). I looked at those PMTs signals that seem fine.
I want to point out that the mean run duration is increased of ~12min.
starting from run 19695, the first run after the MACRO shut down that happened
last week (8.9 hrs against 8.7 hrs).
There are the 'usual' couple of no Q responses per run from M:2,B:2,C:5,N:21
Sometime we received 1 no Q from M:3,B:2,C:5,N:21 too.
During the first event of run 19714 we received 9 no Qs from M:1,B:2,C:3,N:22
(STPM on SM1)..Looking at this event, you can see that the XSTP signal
produced by the SM2 STPM didn't arrive to the SM1 STPM (A similar thing
happened during run 19628)
We received some PHRASE L/R warnings regarding 1B09:
L/R=1.5 on Monday, L/R=1.27 on Wednesday, L/R=1.22 today..
I didn't find any L/R variation with muon calibration for this week
(this tank has a constant l/r ~0.6)
TOHM --> 4T13 ~8mHz, 5B13 ~5mHz.
ERP --> 3B07 ~5.2mHz
LIP --> 1B12 ~0.8mHz, 1B14 ~0.5mHz, 1B16 ~0.3mHz(!), 1C08 ~1.3mHz,
1C15 ~1.1mHz, 2E10 ~11mHz, 3E04 ~6.5mHz, 5T02 ~1mHz,
6T12 ~11mHz (1B06~0.8mHz during run 19702; 1C16~0.8mHz
during run 19711)
ERP-GC --> 6W12 ~95mHz, 6S04 ~90mHz.
PHRASE --> 1E08 ~26mHz, 5B04 ~27mHz
No problems during this week (the MACRO shut down reset
power supplies !)
There are still not justified LAMOSSKA triggers for SM5 (LAM5-0).
CSPAM/ERP efficiency:
The boxes with systematic inefficiency: 3B07 (~50%) and 4T12 (~78%).
ERP/LIP efficiency:
Low efficiency for 1B12, 1B14, 1B16,1C08, 1C13, 1C14, 1C15, 5T02, 6C09
and 6C10 (sometime also for 1E12, 1T11 and 1T15)
SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE, LAS and LED on uVax1 (sometime 1/2
VETO bits too).
No problems reported (except of the 9 no Qs at begenning of run 19714
previous described).
I checked the PMTs status on SM2. I didn't find any new problems
except of 2B13-0 that is a bit undergain (-3.7mV/spe)
The PMTs logbook on the Web pages has been updated. The next week
I'll produce some plots about the June PMT gain measurements (today
the network was very very slow!!!!)
2 weeks analysed for ERP constants, including 3 LED/TDC runs:
ref. runs 19670 and 19692.
They cover the period till Wednesday, 05-Jul-2000
The merging between realtime and reprocessing of RARE DSTs
is completed. More than 7440 files have been checked (see my
yesterday's e-mail for detailes)
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