Tank-end operations

Subject: Tank-end operations
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 11:48:05 EDT

     Ciao a tutti,

      today we opened the two boxes that I turned off last week.
      For both (4B10-11 and 4C02-11) we replaced the bad (flasher) PMT
      with the spare one. We left them out of acquisition and I'll put
      back them tomorrow (note that these were the last tank end operations
      with the Massimo's help!).

      I take the opportunity to point out the worst boxes that need an
      operation (as from last PMTs check):

        1B03-0 bright/filled in spe
        1B09-0 bright/dynode peak
        1T14-0 bright/filled in spe
          1T17-1 very bright/filled in spe
           2B01-1 dynode peak/unstable
        2B03-1 variable brightness/dynode peak
        2C04-0 bright/filled in spe/dynode peak
        2W03-0 unstable/bright/dynode peak
        2T04-1 filled in spe/bright/dynode peak
        2T06-0 filled in spe/dynode peak
        3B01-1 bright/unstable
        3B05-0 very bright
        3C05-1 very bad signal (*)
         3C12-0 very bad signal (*)
        3C16-0 bright/filled in spe/dynode peak - impossible to set the gain
        3C16-1 very bad signal (*)
        3E06-0 very bright/filled in spe (*)
        3E07-0 very bad signal (*)
        4T10-1 very strong dynode peak
        6C16-0 bright/unstable/filled in spe
        6T01-0 bright/filled in spe
        6T11-0 very bright/filled in spe

   (*) these boxes need urgently a tank-end operation with following

       3E07-0, 3C12-0, 3C16-1, 3C05-1 and 3E06-0

   I can start these works (together with Roberto) this week, starting from
   the day after tomorrow because tomorrow I'll be alone


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