Subject: numbering calibrations
From: Bob Nolty (
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 19:07:40 EDT
Hi all --
I am noticing that the new calibrations do not always have the same
run number as the old calibrations.
7788 -> 7781
7825 -> 7823
8094 -> 8093
8143 -> no analogous set
8383 -> 8382
Is there a good reason for this? It makes my life more difficult in
the short run.
P.S. As memory serves, there was some hardware change just before run
8143, so even though it was not a Tuesday or Wednesday, the
calibration czar decided to start a new set at that point. The
downside was the short set, 8137, which does not have nearly as much
statistics as all the other weeks.
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