Subject: more on runs 8137/8143
From: Bob Nolty (
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 21:10:48 EDT
I found this in my old online notebook:
24 Aug 94
Colin removed and reinstalled Kate's interERP module today and the
fast clear problem alluded to yesterday went away. So everything
except 6/S (see 31 Aug) was working from run 8143.
22 Sep 94
Here are my notes and recommendations to the Indiana people on calibs:
| ...
| Regarding the interERP constants, there were several hardware problems
| you should be aware of when generating constants. The SM1/2 constants
| were good from the moment the interERP was turned on in run 7282. UV
| 2 interERP TDC was bogus when it turned on (the module wasn't issuing
| fast clears). So there is data that the calibration program can
| process to generate constants, but the data and constants aren't good.
| The program issues error messages to the message file about the sigma
| being bad. In these cases, you should eliminate the produced
| constants from the .KUMAC file before loading it. This is the case
| from 7282 until 7379, when the data becomes good and the error
| messages cease. The uvax3 TDC read out only zeroes until Colin fixed
| it (8143). The N stop didn't work at first so N/1 data is bad from
| the time N turned on until Colin fixed it (8143). The Kate module
| misfunctioned so all data was bad for about 24 hours -- from the end
| of calibrations on 23 Aug until 8143. The south stop was intermittent
| from the time south turned on until 12 Sep. I assume most of these
| error conditions will flag themselves in the messages file, except the
| 24-hour problem which will not have the statistical significance to be
| flagged. Ideally we should either do all muon cals using only runs
| after 8143 that week, or do muon cals with all runs followed by a
| special interERP cal using only runs after 8143.
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