Subject: Kinetic power supply on SM4
Date: Tue Aug 29 2000 - 07:13:58 EDT
Ciao a tutti,
this morning I found the 1500 Kinetic power supply on M2,B2,C4
(the one that gave the EMILY DSP warnings) with no +12V/+24V.
I replaced it with the same supply that was on the (ex)calibration crate,
but this last one lost the -12V with full load (i.e. with both TOP *AND*
WEST/EAST attico TOHM modules) but it worked with a partial load
(i.e. TOP *OR* W/E TOHM attico).
I tried also turning off the PMTs fanout but this p.s. still didn't start
with both TOHM modules. I'm also testing the power supply that we replaced
(from the same crate!) during the last black-out....It works with a 3A load
but it loses -12V/-24V with a 4A load.
At this point uVax2 is out of the acquisition (the italian technicians
told me that this is not a big problems because they still have problems
with the streamer tubes planes on this uVax)...I suggest to exclude
TOHM W/E attico on SM4 from the acq. untill (and if) I will have fixed
one of two Kinetic 1500 power supply (during these days I'm also alone
because Roberto is having his vacations)..
Please let me know your opinions and/or suggestions..
A presto,
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