A brief report

Subject: A brief report
Date: Mon Aug 28 2000 - 10:11:12 EDT

    Ciao a tutti,

    the last week end there were some problems with the detector..
    The streamer tubes were firing a lot on SM4, SM5 and SM6 expecially
    during run 19870 (26-Aug)...In this run I found a high TOHM trigger
    rate (~ 10mHz) on all the SM5 planes and a high LIP trigger rate for some
    boxes on SM5....I think this was induced by the noise generated by
    the streamer planes..(The situation retrurned normal after some streamer
    planes have been turned off).

    During run 19867 (the run restarted by Yiannis) the 5C02 had a crazy
    TOHM trigger rate (~1 Hz)..After this run it returned O.K...I think
    this box is now working with one PMT only (remember my last shift report?)
    ...in fact, from run 19869, we are receiving some PHRASE L/R warnings
    regarding this counter that has now L/R=0.53..

    We received two DSP warnings (27-Aug and today) regarding M:2,B:2,C:4..
    ..I found the +12V giving +10.9V only (w/o any AC components)..I tryied
    to increase this voltage value using the voltage adjustment on the
    regulator card w/o success...We received the second DSP warnings while
    I was working on this...It reports problems for -24V (found -21.6V) too,
    but this is not real (I found exactly -24V on -24V line).
    We have no spare of this Kinetyc 1500 power supply, so I'm working
    trying to debug the one we replaced during the last black-out...
    The modules on this crate seem to work fine even if I can't check
    the latest MACRO data because all the real-time jobs were stopped during
    the week-end and all the latest MACRO runs must be still analysed..

    A presto,


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