Calibration runs 90103, 90104, 90107 and 90108

Subject: Calibration runs 90103, 90104, 90107 and 90108
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 19:38:24 EDT

Ciao a tutti,

I'm pretty sure that these 4 runs, taken on VSMAC1, have the wrong start
and end times on LGB. Most probably, the VAX time on VXMAC1 was wrong...
These runs were taken on 10-JAN-96, 8:53 - 18:28 (consistent with the
VXMACA runs and CAL_RUN_LIST.TXT) but according to the LGB, they were
taken on 09-JAN-96, 19:14 - 20:48. Also, the data type for run 90103
is slow monopole calibration but according to CAL_RUN_LIST.TXT should
be LED/TDC. Please, somebody follow up on this by checking the papaer
logbook and making the appropriate e-mails and corrections/comments.


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