Subject: Shift report - 13/15 Sep. 2000
Date: Fri Sep 15 2000 - 12:32:34 EDT
Data shift report (13-Sep-2000 to 15-Sep-2000)
by Nicola Zaccheo
From run 19920 to 19935
There were some problems during the first part of the week (while I was
on holidays): run 19920 - 19925 were afflicted by PHRASE synchronization
problems due to a malfunctioning power supply on SM4.
Wednesday morning we found run 19927 stalled (since 6:00 AM) because of a
broken fan-unit on a "italian" CAMAC crate. Roberto helped the italian
shiftworker in the fan replacing and I started a new run (run 19929 - run
19928 is junk -> auto_restart attempt). After ~9 min. the italian technicians
stopped run 19929 to exclude uVax2 in order to make some CR39 extractions).
We received three DDNOW warnings regardind MINI DTSs with 0 blocks:
run 19923 --> short run lasted ~16 min.
run 19925 --> short run lasted ~13 min.
run 19923 --> very short run lasted ~48 sec.
The AXMAC1 copy jobs "saga" continues...I have just launched the (final)
copy/bck job for DD347.
We started the MINI DSTs production for the initial DD tapes. We should process
runs 10557 --> 13695 using RARE DSTs from NRD001 - NRD017.
The NRD001 and NRD002 processing is already completed..It lasted, respec.,
~16 and ~13hrs. The NRD003 is now going on.
Yesterday we performed a tank end operation on 5C02-0. We replaced both
bases with HV ones and the PMT on side -01. After a night of test, we put
back in acquisition this tank starting from run 19937.
Robetro made the oil leak check on west side of SM456 + South face.
TOHM --> 4T13 ~9mHz, 5B13 ~7mHz
ERP --> 3B07 ~5mHz
LIP --> 1B12 ~0.3mHz, 1B14 ~0.6mHz, 1B16 ~0.2mHz(!)
1C08 ~1.5mHz, 1C11 ~1.4mHz, 1C15 ~1.0mHz,
2E10 ~23mHz, 3E04 ~7.5mHz, 5T01 ~0.7mHz,
5T02 ~0.7mHz, 5T03 ~0.8mHz, 6C09 ~0.8mHz, 6C10 ~1.5mHz,
6T12 ~11mHz
ERP-GC --> 6W05 ~105mHz, 6S01 ~65mHz, 6S04 ~95mHz, 6S07 ~90mHz.
PHRASE --> 5B04 ~29mHz, 6E12 ~33mHz
Note that during the runs in which 5C02 was turned off, it had
a LIP trigger rate of ~ 1mHz !!!
No problems reported
There are still not justified LAMOSSKA triggers for LAM50 and,
sometimes, for LAM60.
CSPAM/ERP efficiency:
The boxes with systematic inefficiency: 1T15 (~72%),3B07 (~50%),
3B10 (~70%),3E07 (~70%), 4T12 (~75%) and 6T07(~78%).
ERP/LIP efficiency:
Low efficiency for 1B12, 1B14, 1B15, 1B16, 1C08, 1C11, 1C15, 1T08,
1T10, 1T13, 1T14, 1T16, 5C03, 5C11, 5C13, 5C14, 5C15, 5T02, 5T03,
5T14, 5T16, 6B08, 6B09, 6C09, 6C10, 6T00, 6T10, 6T11 and 6T12.
SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE, LAS and LED on uVax1 (sometime 1/2
VETO bits too).
During run 19927 evn. 6088, the trigger 23 (TOHM on Uvax2) is not
present but both SPU and STPM saw a TOHM (center) trigger on SM2.
The EQP 27 has (obvious.) not read.
No problems reported.
Checked the PMTs signals on SM3. I have to conclude this checking
(TOP face), so I'll send the complete report the next Monday.
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