Subject: Shift report - 18/22 Sep 2000
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 11:40:52 EDT
Data shift report (18-Sep-2000 to 22-Sep-2000)
by Nicola Zaccheo
From run 19938 to 19956
Last Saturday run 19938 crashed for a broken PHRASE fan unit on MV4. For
this reason MACRO ran w/o this uVax untill Monday when we replaced this
fan unit and started run 19944 with the full detector.
Last Wednesday we didn't perform any calibrations because of a calibration
VME uVax failure. The Digital KAV30 module was stationaring in one of the
boot states (H:0, L:2) and, even after several power cycling, it was not able
to conclude the boot. After several works (change of ETHERNET transceiver,
change of the cable connecting the transceiver to the KAV, etc...), we
swapped the KAV module with the same installed on uVax2 and it worked..So
we concluded that the ETHERNET was fine and the module was broken...
S. Marino has already invoked the Digital assistance and the "famous" Digital
technician (Camilli) should be here the next week.
Erik brought a VT terminal into the tunnel and Roberto found another terminal
on the MACRO, now, all the uVaxes (included the calibration one)
have their consoles.
During run 19952 there were a lot of CSPAM45 hits on the uVax2 SPU during
events in which no CSPAM triggers occured...Checking the cables, I found
the corresponding BNC/LEMO adapter completely unscrewed...I screwed it at
the beginning of run 19954 and the problem disappeared.
Run 19954 (last thursday) crashed for another PHRASE fan-unit failure on SM4.
We replaced it and started run 19955 only 6 min. later the crash.
During run 19956 (last available run for data check), 1T13 had ~ 30mHz of
TOHM trigger rate. Checking the signal with the scope I found a noisy
fan-out channel for 1T13-0 (a noise of 4mV p-p, 66Mhz). I remember a similar
problem in the past that fixed by itself..anyway, if it persists we should
change this fan-out module.
A full backup of "calibration" area on disk$scrausa4 and disk$macroscra3 is
going on. We are going to stop the production of TRK/CAL files on VAX cluster..
..Only files produced on ALPHA will be kept. In addition I'll stop the CALMOD
real-time updating because a new Yioanni's code will be used for all MACRO
data. The latest reference calibration run is run 19905 that covers the period
untill 13-Sep-2000.
The MINI DSTs production is going on. Seven RARE DSTs tapes (NRD001-NRD007)
have been processed while NRD008 is now running, for total of 2050 RARE DSTs
Unfortunately there are still problems with the RARE_MAKER procedure
(conversion of RARE DSTs in ZEBRA format)..maybe we'll have to abandon
this project.
TOHM --> 4T13 ~9mHz, 5B13 ~7mHz (*)
ERP --> 3B07 ~6mHz
LIP --> 1B12 ~0.7mHz, 1B14 ~0.8mHz, 1B16 ~0.4mHz(!),
1C01 ~1.1mHz, 1C08 ~1.8mHz, 1C11 ~1.1mHz, 1C15 ~1.4mHz,
2E10 ~23mHz, 3E04 ~7.5mHz, 5T01 ~0.7mHz,
5T02 ~0.6mHz, 5T03 ~0.7mHz, 6C09 ~0.8mHz, 6C10 ~1.0mHz,
6E10 ~5mHz, 6T12 ~10mHz
ERP-GC --> 6W05 ~110mHz, 6S01 ~65mHz, 6S04 ~95mHz, 6S07 ~90mHz.
PHRASE --> 5B04 ~32mHz
(*) See previous comment regarding 1T13
No problems reported
There are still not justified LAMOSSKA triggers for LAM50 and,
sometimes, for LAM51, LAM41 and LAM60.
CSPAM/ERP efficiency:
The boxes with systematic inefficiency: 1T15 (~78%),3B07 (~50%),
3B10 (~70%),3E07 (~70%), 4T12 (~78%), 6T07(~76%) and 6E10 (~78%).
ERP/LIP efficiency:
Low efficiency for 1B12, 1B14, 1B15, 1B16, 1C08, 1C11, 1C15, 1T08,
1T10, 1T13, 1T14, 1T16, 5C03, 5C11, 5C13, 5C14, 5C15, 5T02, 5T03,
5T14, 5T16, 6B08, 6B09, 6C09, 6C10, 6T00, 6T10, 6T11 and 6T12.
SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE, LAS and LED on uVax1 (sometime 1/2
VETO bits too).
See previous comment regarding CSPAM45 (uVax2)
No problems reported.
Checked the PMTs signals on SM3 (Top face) and SM4. No new problems
have been found.
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