BMON excluded from CL_MONITOR

Subject: BMON excluded from CL_MONITOR
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 06:49:18 EDT

     Ciao a tutti,

     I modified the scripts C2_MONITOR_1RUN.COM and RAWDAT_MAN.COM in
     order to remove the BMON procedure. In this manner no TRK/CAL
     files will be produced using VAX executables, no DIFFS between
     VXMACB-VAXGS files will be performed, no ERP_STATUS, ERP_ERRORS
     and ERP_RATES files will be produced on VAXGS and no check will be
     done on STABMON.DAT before deleting a file.
     I have tested the new scripts and they will be operative starting from
     the next run (19968).

     The next step will be to stop the copy on DISK$SCRAUSA4 of TRK/CAL files
     (CALFILES_COPY2) and to restore the related BMON files (ERP_ERROR, etc..)
     copy from the VXMACB area. Note that the RAWDAT_MAN deleted the TRK/CAL
     files from VXMACB when the diff with the same VAXGS files was 0.
     We should now periodically delete those files from VXMACB.

     A presto,


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