STOP to WFD from ST monopole triggers
Fri, 3 May 1996 16:03:23 +0100 (WET-DST)

Dear rare particles hunters,

as decided in Cape May we measured the rates of the signals
coming from the ST monopole triggers (high threshold and slow output)
which have to be used to stop the WFD's.

* At the moment we have only results concerning the total OR:

ST horizontal 8/10 slow
LAT bottom 5/6 slow
LAT attico 5/6 slow

The overall rate is of :
10-15 mHz/uVAX
roughly equally divided into the three previous cases.
As you can see such a rate is low enough to allow even the readout
of all the tanks in each involved MACRO module.

* Each time there is a stop coming from the ST triggers the tanks to be
read out are:

1) the two modules seen by the fired horizontal trigger unit
2) the entire wall of lateral boxes (7) seen by the fired lateral trigger

* The way you may identify the trigger units which fired is to look at
the EQUIP 7 (which contains the information of the Streamer Monopole
Supervisor) for the involved uVAX.
The structure of the equipement is the following:

N words (N varies form event to event)
1 word: pattern of the horizontal trigger
1 word: pattern of the bottom lateral trigger
1 word: pattern of the attico lateral trigger
24 words: TDC information

Therefore, in decoding, it is better to start count the words from
the last and point to each of the three trigger patterns.
The decoding is different for the three words:

1) ST horizontal trigger pattern:
- for uVAX 1
bit 7 OR bit 8 -----> 1st unit (modules 1 and 2)
bit 9 OR bit 10 -----> 2nd unit (modules 2 and 3)
bit 11 OR bit 12 -----> 3rd unit (modules 3 and 4)
- for uVAX 2
bit 7 OR bit 8 -----> 1st unit (modules 4 and 5)
bit 9 OR bit 10 -----> 2nd unit (modules 5 and 6)
bit 11 OR bit 12 -----> 3rd unit (modules 6 and 7)
bit 13 OR bit 14 -----> 4th unit (modules 7 and 8)
bit 15 OR bit 16 -----> 5th unit (modules 8 and 9)
- for uVAX 3
bit 7 OR bit 8 -----> 1st unit (modules 9 and 10)
bit 9 OR bit 10 -----> 2nd unit (modules 10 and 11)
bit 11 OR bit 12 -----> 3rd unit (modules 11 and 12)

2) ST bottom lateral trigger pattern:
bit 1 -----> West wall of the 1st SM of that uVAX
bit 2 -----> East wall of the 1st SM of that uVAX
bit 3 -----> West wall of the 2nd SM of that uVAX
bit 4 -----> East wall of the 2nd SM of that uVAX

3) ST attico lateral trigger pattern:
bit 1 -----> West wall of the 1st SM of that uVAX
bit 2 -----> East wall of the 1st SM of that uVAX
bit 3 -----> West wall of the 2nd SM of that uVAX
bit 4 -----> East wall of the 2nd SM of that uVAX

Let us know if you have problems in decoding the patterns.
Hope to have news from you soon in order to have everything ready
by the end of may and then plug the STOP cable for each uVAX.

Ivan De Mitri Fausto Guarino