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Starting: Wed May 03 1995 - 00:04:48 EDT
Ending: Sun Nov 23 2003 - 15:42:18 EST
- "A combined analysis ..."
- "Frontiers in ...." proceedings
- "rare paper " for icrc2001
- (no subject)
- 88cat分析师基地操盘速递火速到达你的手机
- =?big5?Q?=B0=EA=A4=BA=A6P=ADM=A8=EC=AD=BB=B4=E4=A1y=A6=DB=A5=D1=A6=E6=A1z- =A5t=C3=FE=BA=EB=BF=EF.......=A7=EB=B8=EA......=C1=C8=BF=FA.......=ABO=BB=D9.......=A8=E4=A5=A6.......=A1I=A1I=A1I?=
- Adalberto's VAXGS NEWS on inter-uvax time window
- Addendum to WFD byte limit increase
- An all-in-one solution for trading, inventory, accounting management
- Attention: Aviation enthusiasts...
- camac list change in uV3 affecting FMT/HIP WFD readout
- Catalysis article
- Catalysis paper
- Change of addresses for mail list
- Chris' LIP candidate
- Comments to the fast analysis paper
- Contribution to ISVHECRI
- Create Professional 3D eBrochures
- Die another day
- Download FREE Publishing Software
- draft of the Combined Monopole Analysis paper: read/correct it
- draft of the summer conf. paper
- Draft on MM+nuclearites for the summer confs.
- Easily Create 3D Page-Turning eBooks
- English Learning of the 21's Century
- Farfalla version of "FFDSTs"
- fast monopole paper
- fast monopoles
- Fast Path Analysis
- Final article
- Final LIP Talk slides available
- Final paper on Magnetic Monopoles
- final papers
- final papers (revised)
- Final version of LIP DPF proc. availiable
- FREE Digital Publishing Software - Download NOW!
- Good day !!
- group meeting pre-Gran Sasso
- Hello
- Hey, buddy, look at this! kxmaxraqkdeifxbtwte
- Hey, buddy, look at this! xzktgrlktanibub
- ICRC 2001; contribution about LIP search
- ICRC papers
- latest version of the paper on MMs
- LIP Candidate explained
- LIP Slides available
- LIP talk DPF Proceedings
- macro pub on monopole limits
- MACRO's WFD decommissioning
- MACRO/MEMO 08/2000 - Search for Fractional Charge in MACRO (fwd)
- macro/pub on monopole limits
- Meeting place in Rome
- meglio tardi che mai....ovvero...better late than never!
- memo/pub
- MINI DST Processing
- minutes of the meeting at Bo, of June 12,2000
- monopole analyses and other topics
- monopole contribution for DPF96
- Monopole data and related material available Online/onTAPE
- Monopole paper for 26th ICRC
- monopole paper for DPF96
- More "correct" version of LIP DPF proceedings
- more time to read the draft on MMs
- New hardware/software configuration
- New MACRO Memo on Monopole Catalysis of Nucleon Decay
- new UNIX disk at Gran Sasso
- next meeting
- nuclearites memo
- on the completion of the WFD system
- paper for conferences
- paper for the summer conf: q-ball limits changed!
- Paper on Fast Monopoles
- Paper on fast monopoles (fwd)
- parallel meeting at GS, 20-Jan-00
- per favore... (fwd)
- Premiliminary LIP search note avaliable
- Proceedings IDM2002
- Proceedings of the EPS HEP 2001
- Proceedings Taup 2001
- proposed RARE PARTICLE group meeting (Dec 17, 1998)
- Rare Particle group meeting
- Reminder...( urgent)
- Revised LIP slides available
- RUN 14180, Jun20 1997: Full WFD sensitivity in place
- RUN14180 ...)
- slow monopoles with 6-month run data
- Slow Particle Hunters: Mark your calendars. Inter-uV window increased.
- Some un/known facts about ..... dvumusq
- Spread your Information like Wildfire
- STOP to WFD from ST monopole triggers
- Take Advantage of Viral Marketing
- The nuclearite paper
- Unwanted messages on list
- upcoming video conference
- update on WFD fix work -- SM3: May2, 1997 (run13912) -- SM4: May22, 1997 (run 14006)
- Updated macro-rare
- Upward-Going Muon Statistics
- Urgent: read please!!!!!
- V1@GRA --> 79% D1SC0UNT!! ufotw pgokjro
- V1@GRA --> 79% D1SC0UNT!! wgqpvkcxt vixqwu
- V1@GRA --> 80% D1SC0UNT!! msavp tdzctctbmx
- V1@GRA --> 80% D1SC0UNT!! wizynej zdhtkfh
- Version 4 of GMONO and Internal Memo 10/99
- waveform data distribution issues -- monopole analyses meeting
- waveforms for neutrino events
- Welcome to the macro-rare list (2nd try)
- wetsuit
- WFD buffer size change
- WFD byte limit increase: 40K --> 60K starting with RUN 13791 (09APR97)
- WFD default Configuration
- WG meeting at Bologna (23.10.01)
- Where to find the information from bologna on combined monopole limits
- Who is on macro-rare
- Win 100 M for $1 (18 days left)
- Win An Amazing Free Trip To Phuket In Thailand
- working group premeeting
- ﹜㎝そ
- 眤琌êê贺ō
- 繦種呼筿厨 macro-rare
- 专业生产电子表,石英表,质量保证,价格优惠
Last message date: Sun Nov 23 2003 - 15:42:18 EST
Archived on: Sun Nov 23 2003 - 15:42:26 EST
136 Messages sorted by:
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: Sun Nov 23 2003 - 15:42:26 EST