macro/pub on monopole limits

Ed Kearns (
Sun, 30 Jun 1996 19:45:34 -0400 (EDT)

Hello macro-rare and US coordinators,

A proposed MACRO memo/pub will be discussed for approval at the Rare
Particle meeting (video conference) on July 5th. The memo is by the
Bologna group, chiefly Laura Patrizii, and it summarizes all of the MACRO
bare monopole results up to August 95. The principal result of this memo
is the final plot summarizing MACRO limits in one curve. Presumably
this is being approved for summer conferences.

Please read and make comments before July 5th. For your convenience, you
can download the postscript OR read the text and view the figures at:

It is protected with username=macro and the usual password.


P.S. Here again is the current agenda. Please send additions/details
so we have a good agenda when the meeting begins. Anyone else have
specific talks to give? (Erik? Sophia? Italiani?)

(1) Final approval (analysis group level) for plots and MACRO/PUB to
be used in conference talks this summer.

(2) Chris Walter will present his LIP analysis/technical study that he
wishes to present at the APS/DPF meeting in Minnesota this August. It
is not anticipated that he will have a final result but will concentrate
more on technique.

(3) Report from Chris Orth, Ivan DeMitri (and others?) on work done this
June to link the streamer tube and scintillator hardware. Specifically,
the TOHM stop of the QTP was re-installed. Also, there is new code and
hardware for reading out the WFD for ST-Monopole Triggers. These are
essential steps in making a good combined analysis.

(4) Other reports on detector studies for new data, e.g. LED runs.

(5) Other reports on analysis of the last years data.

(6) Any other business.