"Frontiers in ...." proceedings

Subject: "Frontiers in ...." proceedings
From: Ivan De Mitri (ivan.demitri@le.infn.it)
Date: Wed Nov 15 2000 - 13:39:49 EST

Dear friends,
                           please find attached the postscript file of my
 contribution to the proceedings of the

   European Research Conference on
   "Frontiers in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology"
    San Feliu de Guixols , Spain, October 2000

  where I gave the talk:

    "Search for GUT monopoles and massive exotic
      particles with MACRO"

  Essentially, the contribution is "reduced" from the
  MACRO hep-ex/0009002 to the required 4 page
  lenght limit.

  Let me have your comments/suggestions (if any)
  by friday. Sorry for the strict deadline.


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