Subject: meglio tardi che mai....ovvero...better late than never!
Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 09:37:45 EDT
for lack of time I couldn't send before the following
Minutes of the Rare Particle Meeting, at Gran Sasso 13.07.2000
Fausto Guarino, Rossella Caruso, Ivan De Mitri, Mario Sitta,
Vlad Popa, Mohamed Ouchrif, Laura Patrizii, Shahid Manzoor, Giorgio Giacomelli,
Abdselem Rrhioua, Sophia Kyriazopoulou
1) Status of MM analyses
-STREAMER: Fausto updated the analysis to Dec. 1999. He's missing some tapes
of the January-June 2000 period, and it's being not so "trivial" to have a
copy of the original tapes.
- VERTICAL STREAMER: Welcome to Rossella Caruso from Naples, which joined our
group resuming with Fausto the vertical streamer analysis.
-WFD: Sophia presented her 4 years analysis on WFD's ( starting Sep. 96).
She still has some candidates left: most ( but not all) of them can
be discarded by visual scanning.
By the end of the year she will finish her PhD thesis and she agreed to
extract from that a paper on her analysis or to contribute to a joint paper
with Erik (this is up to Erik ti decide).
- CATALYSIS Mario begun the search for catalysis events.
- FAST COMBINED ANALYSIS updated to Sept. 1999. Ivan agreed to write a
technical paper on his analysis. A draft will be circulated soon.
- CR39 : the etching and analysis is going very efficiently. More than 120 m2
have already been analysed since May 1.
A technical paper on track-etch will be prepared. A draft should be available
by fall.
Conferences: We discussed the Conference paper. After corrections and adding
more details+figures in the catalysis section, it will be re-circulated among
us for final approval.
Papers : We agreed to have the following technical papers
-Fast Combined Monopole Analysis
-WFD (Sophia + Erik(?))
-Track-etch analysis
The decision is consistent with the plan agreed in February on final papers,
since otherwise the final one on MMs would become "seriously disproportional".
Ciao a tutti
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