Since it is a difficult time to for all of the rare group to meet in person
or by video conference, Giorgio has suggested that we begin the effort of
coordinating these studies by email discussion.
One of the issues that makes it difficult to meet and philosophize about
future analyses is that we (mostly the crew at Gran Sasso) are very busy
looking at the first WFD data to make sure it makes sense. On top of that
many people (not only us) are working to either a) reduce the amount of
data that must be regularly handled or b) surviving the sudden onslaught
of new data that began in mid-June. Some of Giorgio's suggested questions
address this issue..
GG writes:
> is it worthwhile to have different gating lengths for slow monopoles
> [ for instance 1000 and 500 microsec ] or it would be better to have
> them of the same length? what other parameters are important?
Right now the WFD system is based on a common stop to all planes. Thus, the
STOP delay directly affects our beta limit. There are some things we can do
to upgrade this situation, but that would require an upgraded STOP master.
This will not happen before August running.
In software we have discussed some options for saving only narrower
window of data around uninteresting muon events with no evidence of a
monopole trigger. As of now, the most flexible place for this to occur is
as a first pass offline (data is on disk) reduction step. I expect that we
will implement something along these lines for the August running.
> do we have a team which will start to analyze immediately the data
> coming from the run starting in august?
We have a team analyzing the data now! The emphasis is on understanding the
new data at an elementary level. I cannot make a guess when mature monopole
search analysis will begin, but I believe the current effort will pay off
by having the first real data runs be good and analyzable.
> who will do separate and coordinated analyses?
Analysis is a free market economy, so volunteers are welcome. At least now
with an organized macro-rare group we have some structure with which to
keep track of the work and make sure that efforts do not diverge or overlap
too much.
> There certainly are other questions which need answers. Could you please
> start the discussion and let know the collaboration of your answers?
> thank you
> greetings
I hope this helps,