MACRO's WFD decommissioning

Subject: MACRO's WFD decommissioning
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Thu Feb 10 2000 - 05:40:49 EST

Hi all,

With regards to the complete decommissioning of MACRO's WFD system on
May 1, 2000, I'd like to point out that it would be prudent to keep
(preferrably) a full crate of WFDs (i.e., 1 VME crate + 11 cards, what
is used to serve one SM) at Gran Sasso until the very end of the

As we will be completing monopole analyses of the pre-May 1 data, I wouldn't
like to find ourselves in a situation where some special measurement
(calibration) of the system will be needed but the hardware will be
completely gone. Moreover, it's several 200MHz oscilloscopes that
you can have for free and you can turn back on in case you need to debug
something on the detector.

I have checked with Chuck Lane on the exact needs of (MACRO's) WFD crates
and cards in KamLAND. It seems that he'll be using 3-4 crates and 39-40
cards. Any additional will be for spares. Given that we currently have
in MACRO 6+1 VME crates and 62+3 WFD cards, I think keeping such a crate
at GS is possible without interfering with Chuck's plans. Anything kept
at GS will be eventually shipped to KamLAND at the end of year 2000.


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