Subject: Final article
From: Michela Cozzi-MACRO (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 12:45:49 EST
Hi all,
in attachment you find the final paper for the MACRO collaboration.
Please, read it and send corrections asap...
in one week we'd like to send the paper to the editorial board.
Note that:
1- the track-etch limit is not final yet, since the analysis is
still in progress. It will be updated until the submission of the paper.
2- The WFD analysis is still under check by the author (Sophia), Fig.2 and
the WFD limit can change in the next version.
For this two reasons, Fig. 9 and 10 are very preliminary.
We are waiting for your corrections and comments (in the next few days),
Michela and Laura
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