draft of the Combined Monopole Analysis paper: read/correct it

Subject: draft of the Combined Monopole Analysis paper: read/correct it
Date: Tue Aug 01 2000 - 04:04:53 EDT

Dear rare people,

Ivan and Fausto have prepared a dratf of a technical paper on the
Combined Fast Monopole Analysis. It was discussed at the last working group
meeting of July 13th at GS.
It is now available for corrections/comments at
Gran Sasso : [macroexp.papers.summer2k]fastpa2.ps

As for other similar technical papers, only
 a sub-sample ( 2 years) of available data is used so the
quoted final limit is higher than the one in the summer
conference paper. We have to decide if this is the right choice or if we want
to include the full data set.

We should read and correct the draft ...but we are "kindly asked"
to make only really needed (fundamental) corrections, if we want to
make a paper out of it in a reasonable time.

I suggest to send comments and corrections to ivan (demitri@le.infn.it)
by August 20th.

Soon after we shall ask for the ed. board.

 Thank you,
enjoy reading the paper,


p.s. I'm reachable by mail until August 7th.

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