Subject: paper for the summer conf: q-ball limits changed!
From: Patrizii (
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 07:57:23 EDT
Hi all,
we corrected a mistake in the computation of the CR39 limit for Q-balls.
The new limits are plotted in fig.7.
We also added few lines of comments in the first paragraph of sect. 4.
At present SECS energy loss is computed considering only the
interaction of the SECS electric charge with the medium. There could be
also ( and if so it would dominate the other) an energy loss mechanism
as for nuclearites. In such a case the CR39 limit would be the same as
for nuclearites. We will discuss about this in the future.
At GS [macroexp.papers.summer2k] you will find the updated files
(, .tex)
Buone vacanze
Laura Vlad
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