New MACRO Memo on Monopole Catalysis of Nucleon Decay

Subject: New MACRO Memo on Monopole Catalysis of Nucleon Decay
From: Flectar non frangar (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 10:24:07 EDT

 News 931 in MACRO.GENERAL on node WSGS03 VaxNews 4.1

        From: WSGS03::SITTA ( Flectar non frangar )
     Subject: New MACRO Memo on Monopole Catalysis of Nucleon Decay
        Date: 7-JUN-2000 16:21:19
     Expires: 7-JUL-2000 16:21:19

                                                 L.N.G.S.,Assergi, 7-JUN-2000

    The MACRO Memo 4/00 titled

        Monopole catalysis of nucleon decay in MACRO:
        simulation, analysis and flux limits

    is available under


    (I suggest to print it on a color-capable printer).
    In it I explain the results of my simulation of the nucleon decay
    catalyzed by a monopole and the effects on the present streamer upper
    limit. Comments are welcome.

    Best regards


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