RE: The nuclearite paper

Erik Katsavounidis (
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 14:23:34 +0200

Nucleatites enthousiasts,

I've gone thru the final version of the paper
made available by Laura Patrizii last Friday, April 23.

I have only a few comments related to the presentation of the different
monopole triggers and analyses for which I complained long ago.
Many changes have already been introduced. The few more I'd like to point
out for whatever they worth are:

1) p.6, 5th paragraph:
"The Time Over Half Maximum trigger (TOHM) recognizes wide ..."
I suggest that it is replaced by:
"The Slow Monopole Trigger comprised of the analog Time Over Half Maximum
(TOHM) electronics and the digital Leaky Integrator (LI) electronics
recognizes wide ..."

2) p.6, 6th paragraph:
"A second Slow Particle Trigger (SPT) is based on the time of flight
between two horizontal layers of scintillators.
This procedure was applied to the search for intermediate velocity
nuclearites (2.5x10^-3<beta<1.5x10^-2) [23]."

I think this is the first version of the now known FAST PARTICLE
TRIGGER (FMT) based on slow coincidence between scintillator planes
set at [1-~8]usec at that time (1991), set at [1-10]usec nowdays.

I suggest the term Slow Particle Trigger (SPT) is replaced by
the Fast Particle Trigger (FMT). This change is/will be consistent
with all of our bibliography.

3) p.6, 7th paragraph:
"The Fast Monopole Trigger (FMT). <...> This technique was applied
in the early analyses for high velocity nuclearites (1.5x10^-2<beta<1)"

Well, as I mentioned in item #2, FMT has been traditionally referred to
and used for particle velocities 2.5x10^-3<beta<1.5x10^-2.
The 1.5x10^-2<beta<1 velocity regime both in terms of hardware
and analyses was refered to as the "scintillator muon trigger"
This is the SPAM or cSPAM which I DON'T suggest to use here. Instead,
in the context of the paper, i propose to use:

"The scintillator muon trigger. <...> This technique was applied
in the early analyses for high velocity nuclearites (1.5x10^-2<beta<1)"

4) In all of the above I suggest a footnote to the above three systems stating
"This includes present and earlier versions of the hardware electronics
with slightly different operating parameters and implementations but
with fundamentally the same principle of operation."

5) p.12, table 1:
Items #1,#2,#3 listed above, should be reflected in the method listings
in this table.

I also suggest that it is explicitly stated in the table caption that
" overlaps in both beta sensitivity and time do exist but they are taken
care of in the combination of limits " (e.g. TOHM A and TOHM B remain
a puzzle for the casual reader).

I remind you that in the nuclearites PRL'92, reference in made to the
"Spring 1989" data without any explicit mentioning of the running period.
Moreover, while for TYPE-II data (i.e. 2.5x10^-3<beta<1.5x10^-2) it is
explicitly mentioned that it includes SPRING 1989 *ONLY* data, it is
NOT clear how SPRING 1989 data were combined in the TYPE-I
(i.e. 2.5x10^-3<beta<1.5x10-2) and FAST (i.e. 1.5x10^-2<beta<1)
(BTW, i believe the SPRING 1989 running refers to Mar-May 1989).

Trying to be backwards-compatible, I thus suggest that the RUN PERIOD
listed under label A in table 1 is extended down to 03/89. This is not
going to be precise, but at least it will more precise that the present
(and it will make the TOHM A vs TOHM B less puzzling).

That's the final comments on this paper from my side. In order to expedite
the submission of this paper for publication, I suggest that if no other
comments exist to reschedule my earlier suggested deadline for comments
from Friday, April 30 to Wednesday, April 28.

--Erik Katsavounidis