Unwanted messages on list

Chris Walter (walter@cithe501.cithep.caltech.edu)
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 00:01:12 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Rare Particle List Members,

As you can see in your mail today someone outside the experiment
posted to the macro-rare list. I think the best thing to due is just
ignore him at this point. If the behavior continues I will write to
him and or his system manager asking him to stop. Typically in cases
like these the best thing to do is just not give the person any

I can only assume he found the address of the list on the WWW page at
Caltech. Although the archives and mailing list members are protected
anyone can post to the list. By setting things up this way I was able
to make the system extremely simple to understand and maintain. If we
need to in the future I can protect the the list from outside posters
but the system will become more complicated(something I would like to
avoid if possible).

I wanted to let you know that except for me he probably does not have
our email addresses. They are not easily available from that WWW
page. There are other ways he could get our addresses but they would
require work and some technical knowledge. Hopefully this is a
onetime occurrence; if not I will rectify the situation later.


P.S. I graduated last week. I wanted to thank all of you for your
help over the years. I am moving to Boston University next week and
you should still be able to reach me through this address as well.