standard ntuple routines for upgoing muons
Mon, 8 Apr 1996 17:27:50 +0100 (WET-DST)

Dear Upgoing-Muon Folk,

I have been looking over the upgoing muon lists and various descriptions
posted by Ashutosh, Colin and Teresa... The first thing that I am struck by
is the number of events which do not occur in all analyses. Furthermore, in
the information provided thus far I HAVE NO CHANCE OF KNOWING WHY. The
job of understanding our data thoroughly has simply passed beyond the printed
list stage.

In order to deal with this problem, we must have a standard way of passing
events with enough information to address this issue. As I have commented in
the past, in order to deal with this I have produced a standard ntuple which
holds event information together with analysis information. The routines for
producing and filling the ntuple can be found in:

vaxgs::disk$macro:[michael]stantup.for and

The documentation and useage instructions are included in the files.

I do not believe that it is possible to make significant progress without
putting all events with -2.<1/beta<-.2 into a standard format for
distribution. The format must include the analysis information or it is
without meaning.

We must learn to work together as a collaborative group and not just
individual analyzers in competition. Please produce these ntuples as soon
as possible and post messages about their location for others to access.
Please contact me for help if you encounter some difficulty with this.

