simulated events with TDC = 0

Bob Nolty (
Sun, 7 Apr 1996 03:31:59 -0400

Hi Teresa --

Sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your question. I was trying
to get GMACRO working on my laptop, but finally gave up and ran the
simulation on cithep. I threw 10,000 events (with KINE 1=1) and I see
no events with ERP TDCs equal to zero. I can't think of a good
explanation why it occurred in the NDST you mention. There were some
geometry bugs remaining in GMACRO when the events were thrown (Dec
95); or perhaps they were thrown with the standard CALMOD database
rather than a simulation database; though I don't know why either of
those would cause the symtpoms you saw. I will check again when I
incorporate the contained event generator in my MC, but again I don't
expect it to make a difference.

Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 16:41:36 GMT
From: Teresa Montaruli 080 5443159 <>

Hi Bob and Colin,
may be you are the right persons to ask this question because Spurio
and Surdo do not know.
I'd like to know the reason why there are some events in GMACRO
in which the tdc value of a box is 0 while the ADC is low but
such that it can be considered "fired".
For instance I am using some dsts which are on vaxgs::d8:[macrodata.newupmu]
which have been produced by Spurio
in nuin1.ndst you can find an interesting example 9001-1873
in which tere is a Bottom fired with tdc=0 even if from the kinematics
no charged particle crosses it or no neutral particle interacts
this are partially contained events obtained with Lipari generator