FMT added to acq......

Chris Walter (
Wed, 28 Jun 1995 18:54:31 +0200 (MET)


As of 10349 the FMT has been added to the normal data running.

In addition the following (1/2 hour) test runs were taken today:

10346 - CSPAM/HIPT/FMT test run
10347 - normal test run
10348 - HIPT/FMT test run

Nominal results:

Data size increase of 60-80% if CSPAM/HIPT/FMT are added
Data size increase of 8-17% if HIPT/FMT are added

These test runs do not have Pisa data in them. To calculate the above
numbers you need to use the fact that pisa data is 25% of non wfd
data. And WFD data seems to be something like 65-75% of all data.
The real numbers are likely to be somewhat worse since by adding the
CSPAM you also increase the relative amount of WFD data.

Nat will send a note tomorrow outlining our options at this point and
the recommendations of the group here.
